Bible Truth Seekers

The five fold ministry

                                          The five fold ministry of the new testament

Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 9: Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?  
verse 10:  he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.
verse 11:  and he gave some apostles: and some prophets: and some evangelists: and some pastors, and teachers.

Note:  The definition of theses offices of the ministry.
Apostles- is those whom the Lord has sent to preach, teach, and establish churches in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prophets- he is one who speaks for God with a message, and warning of things to come. Prophecy of what is to come to the church or on the church.
Evangelists- To bring the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, He is sent to many churches with the truth of God's word.
Pastors- Read St John Chapter 21 verses 15-17 Three times Jesus ask Peter lovest thou me more than these?  Peter answered three times he loved the Lord.  What Jesus said was three times feed my sheep.  Pastors are the watchman over the flocks to preach the word of God, the Gospel, the truth.  He oversees the flock to feed them.
Teachers- to teach the truth from scripture of the word of God, all of the gospel, not just part of it to obey the Lord to teach it all.
Bishops and Deacons- 1st Timothy Chapter 3 verse 1-16 read the qualifications they are the same for all of the ministry.  They must have a good report and be full of the holy ghost and wisdom in the word of God.  
Elders- an older individual, one having authority by reason of age and experience. James Chapter 5 read verses 13-16.
    verse 13:  Is any among you afflicted?  Let him pray.  Is any merry?  Let him sing Psalms.   
Is any sick among you?  Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him.

Note:  The apostles were elders.
Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 12:  The ministry for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ: 
verse 13:  till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.
verse 14:  that we hence forth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness where by they lie in wait to deceive.

Note:  Where are the true apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers?  The true apostles would be establishing new churches in the truth.  The doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ.  You must be born again of the water and spirit.  Not just to join the church.  See, the devil changed born to join ( the lie of the devil).  The scripture doesn't teach that joining the church will save you.  If you believe that find it in the scripture, it is not in the word of God.  To save yourself you must believe the truth.  You can find the plan of salvation in the book of Acts Chapter 2 verse 38-39.  The prophet, his prophecy would be from the Lord, warning of the falling away from the truth and what the word of God said for the last days.  The last days are upon the world and the church to wake up.  My message is woe to the false prophets, that prophecy, peace, and safety when there is no peace and safety in the world today.  If you trust in mans religion, organization or church that has fallen away from the truth.   2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2 verse 9-12 read and seek the truth of Gods word or you will loose your soul.  

Warning thus saith the Lord.  Destruction is coming.  Hear the message for today and believe and live.

Evangelists will be warning to you.  Preach the truth where you go. Obey the gospel and doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ.  More on the pastors of today read Ezekiel Chapter 34 verse 1-31.  Shepards over God's flock, remember these sheep are mine, not your sheep, if you scatter the flock and don't feed my sheep and make yourself fat.  Warning thus saith the Lord, I am against the Shepards or pastor that do this.  
Note:  Pastors, watchmen you didn't watch and oversee my flock and the devil came and scattered my flock and the devil come and scattered my sheep and led them from my word into lies saith the Lord.  (I am against you.) Pastors you are not the head of my church saith the Lord.  Teachers woe to you if you dont teach the truth/gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is in the bible.  Thus saith the Lord.  Come out of organized religion and speak the truth.  

The new testament church, these men were called and chosen by the Lord, to preach the gospel, the will of God.  They were filled with the holy ghost and power of the spirit of God to heal the sick, cast out devils, lay hands on people to receive the Holy Ghost.  All true ministry are called to preach the truth.  Warn the people of all these things that are coming and turn your ear to the one that stands at the door and knocks, open the door let the light in your heart and soul.  Revelation 3 verse 20-22.

Note:  The world is in great trouble, Europe is what America is going to look like.  Wake up minister and warn the people or you will have blood on your hands saith the Lord. is to teach the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the end time, when like Israel forgot their God, and worshiped the Gods of this world.  The church world forgot the Lord.  If they knew the Lord they would be preaching the truth.  This message you will not hear just like Israel would not hear when God sent the prophets to warn them what they were doing wrong.  Their ears were dull of hearing the word of God.  You can hear a lie enough to believe it to be true.  That is what the devil is doing to the world.  The organized religion world hear this message but your love for the organization will keep you from hearing my message.  Find out where you left the Lord, and go back to the Lord Jesus.  It is the way the truth and the light of the world.  The light of the soul...

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