Bible Truth Seekers

Mega Churches

Seekers Read Matthew Chapter 24 verse 4:  Jesus said take heed that no man deceive you.  Jesus is saying to me and you seek to know the truth, for many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.

2nd Corinthians Chapter 11 verses 13-14: 
verse 13:  For such are false apostles, deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
verse 14:  and no marvel:  for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 

Seekers this is a warning for this day beware of false prophets.  When a man follows men they will be deceived.  If the blind led the blind they both will fall in the ditch.  All of the doctrine that is preached today is man following man.  Today we have the mega churches with thousands of people following man.  Their message is to keep you coming and bring them your money, and look how they have fixed themselves.  They are rich!  They tickle your ears, and tell you what great things the Lord is going to do for you.  They don't know the bible plan of salvation to preach to you.  When you die if you have not been baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost you will not be saved. Seekers, be wise in the Lord to know the truth.  Read your bible, pray, and follow the Lord and be not deceived by man.  If you are deceived in the end you were told not to let man deceive you.  When you fall in love with the preacher and not with the Lord you will be lost.  You can believe this message or not believe it is your life, it is heaven or hell.

To deceive you they seek to make you feel good and to keep you coming back with your money because this good feeling costs money to keep the mega church going.  Seekers if you are in one of these churches hear this warning if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven you must stop following man, or you will be lost.  THe message at the end of the good feeling is false doctrine.  The sinners prayer is something a man started, this is false teaching and others followed him and they all were deceived of the devil.  They all at the end of the good feeling message pray that little prayer and you are saved.  Believe that and you will be lost.  That man didn't shed his blood for you!  Wake up world and see the light don't go to the grave and find out the man that you fell in love with was a false prophet that satan sent to deceive you.  A man that will not tell you the truth is a false prophet. 

False Doctrine:

1.  Accept Jesus as your personal savior.  Find that in your bible...

2.  The sinners prayer.  (Lord forgive me.  Come into my heart.)

3.  Joining the church.  False
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