Bible Truth Seekers

Origin of Churches

Seekers what is the origin of what you trust?  Is the word of God, all of the churches you can go in history and find the beginning of them.  The true church was the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, founded on the revelation of the Lord Jesus CHrist as who he was.  ( God manifest in the flesh 1 Tim 3-16)
The apostles that were sent to preach the true gospel.

Read the book of Acts Chapters 1 and 2.  Read Galatians Chapter 1 verse 1-24.  Paul the apostle to the gentile nations, Paul said if an angel come from heaven and preach another gospel let him be accursed.  For there is not another gospel to be preached.  Why wouldn't you be interested in where your church came from?  It is a life and death question.  Ask yourself am I following man, a false prophet, a lie or the word of God, that I will be saved in the end?  Now is the time to seek the truth, Jesus said I am the way and the truth.

These are some of the churches started by men.
The church of God- mans doctrine
Jehovah witness- mans doctrine
Mormon Church- mans doctrine
Protestant Churches- mans doctrine ( they came out of the Catholic church. 
Note:  The Lord didn't send any men out to start a new doctrine, but Satan did send his false prophets to deceive you in believing a lie that you may be damned.  There are many more churches that men have founded with mans doctrine, to deceive you, it is your soul, it is your life, and if you don't choose to seek the Lord for truth so be it.

Seekers you can find in history who started each of these churches, and how they changed the truth into a lie, and in the day of judgement will be to late to seek to know the truth.  Remember the foolish virgin that had no oil? 

My desire is for souls to be saved and not to be lost....
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